So after successfully demolishing walls, installing french doors and yummy warm wooden floors - what does a girl do?
She packs up her yarn and heads to DISNEY WORLD!! This is the first of several posts about the Orlando trip!
Yup - you got it - my friend Bob, who I used to do murals with and work with, moved from San Antonio to Kansas City Missouri a few years ago called and said it was time for vacation!!!!
So we each packed up and met at the Orlando airport one early Saturday morning for 5 days of fun and festivities!
We started with Cirque Du Soleil's
La Nouba Bob had never been to a live Cirque show - Which I decided had to change - so his belated birthday present was FAB seats 1st row center of the middle section ( I find they are better than the orchestra seats b/c you are not looking up the whole time). HE LOVED IT!
The next day we buzzed over to none other than the magic kingdom itself!! WOW - it was fabulous!! Bob and I are truly big kids and 200% Disney-philes, and this visit to all things Disney ROCKED!

Here is Bob and yours truly as we started the day.....I cannot tell you how many times people asked where our kids were..and we had to snicker and say - we ARE the kids on this trip. Heh... you are only as old as you act.
So we hit every ride there - well - except the teacup ride (don't ask - it would be ugly if I tried it) - but we did it all - WHEEE! I even got Bob to ride the carousel - he was not happy about it..but we did have fun!

This was the first time that my traveling companion was as eager as I was to see the fireworks. So Bob knew the best spot to hang in for the fireworks - and they rocked. I have to say - that besides seeing Tinker Bell fly from the castle over us during the fireworks, there was one really cool thing....Sleeping Beauty's castle changes colors while you are waiting - check this rocked!!

I did pack some of my knitting with me - no pics of it on vaca - but here is where the wips are now....

First we have the entrelac market bag from
Bags: a Knitter's Dozen by XRX. This is the first time I have tried entrelac and I am really enjoying working on refining them as a Lady Eleanor is in my future....I am finding that entrelac is very relaxing now that I have the pattern down. MUCH easier than I had originally thought it would be. So needless to say, I am savoring this wip and taking my time. Enough said.

Next - working on
Coronet from Knitty. Just have to pick up and knit the cap.

Finally - I have discovered that at the Bexar County Courthouse - you CAN bring knitting - provided it is only on PLASTIC needles - so, of course - I buzzed over to my local craft store and picked up some plastic circs. I got one for the clapotis I am planning on starting this weekend...and then I got one to try out
Knit and Tonic's Dream Swatch - the link to her free pattern is on the left - try it - it is fun - but not easy...I will do more later on this - but have to do more housework - which I hate...ugh
More later on the other days in the land of Disney... knit on!